lørdag 20. august 2011

Nattens SMS - Mange løse rykter - men få holdepunkter... Night SMS --- Many rumors --- But, little evidence ?...

A Duck flock flying past with craws
Informed the neighbourhood  around;
"There in the wood for no clear cause
A man lies sprawling on the ground!"

Aroused by the disturbing squall,
The Duck flock came to visit me,
And even foxy, sly old soul,
Peeped from a tree-stump warily.

Uncouth, as if from fairy leas,
Reasembling a baby elk,
A stray calf blundered into me
And kissed me with his lips` soft silk.

And, perky little pix y, then
A squirrel chuckled overhead;
" Why, if he likes it, what`s the din ?
Why shouldn`t folks on glades lie spread ?"

Oh yes, I like it,
Drab cares escaping happily.
Perhaps I`m no such fright at all
If wood folk come to visit me.

As for the ducks - oh, never mind,
I`m here - no stranger - in my wood,
So let them craw until they`re blind,
It won`t do harm - that`s understood.

To all my readers;
Thank you for your supporting mails
and kind positive notes for my poems.

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