mandag 30. september 2013

.: We were black, we were white ?

.: We were black, we were white ?: We had no claim to love and bliss; What marvel, if each turned to lack ? They wrung my cold hands out of his,- They dragged him... W...

.: Bell--- (Bass String)

.: Bell--- (Bass String): In the yellow tower a bell tolls. Over the yellow wind the bell-notes flower. In the yellow tower the bell stops. With dust ...

.: Madrugada...

.: Madrugada...: Pero como el amor los saetros estan ciegos. Sobre la noche verde, las saetas dejan rastros de lirio caliente. La quilla de la l...

søndag 29. september 2013

.: We were black, we were white ?

.: We were black, we were white ?: We had no claim to love and bliss; What marvel, if each turned to lack ? They wrung my cold hands out of his,- They dragged him... W...

We were black, we were white ?

We had no claim to love and bliss;
What marvel, if each turned to lack ?
They wrung my cold hands out of his,-
They dragged him...
Where ?...
I crawled to touch his blood's mark
in the dust !...
Not much,
Ye pilgrim-souls...
Though plain as this !

.: Vann:

.: Vann:: Hva er det? Så skal en stråleglans fra deg igjen avspeiles her i oss? Ti når jeg deg i hjerte bær, da ses det av hvis slekt jeg er...

.: Høysommer --- Nei --- Høst --- Kanskje ?

.: Høysommer --- Nei --- Høst --- Kanskje ?: Trærne forlater sommeren under den hårde himmel, skyggen av høstens vinger springer fra topp til topp. Fuglene tier og fjern er den...

Høysommer --- Nei --- Høst --- Kanskje ?

Trærne forlater sommeren
under den hårde himmel,
skyggen av høstens vinger
springer fra topp til topp.
Fuglene tier og fjern er den
dype time,
da tonen i løvet skifter og
høstens ørn flyr opp.

Solens funklende beger
hvor lyset ild-rik skummer
møtes av mektige hender
i naturens skrud.
Og blander sin ville honning
med vinen i himmelens 

.: Love me Sweet, with all thou art, Feeling, Thinkin...

.: Love me Sweet, with all thou art, Feeling, Thinkin...: The best thing in the World... What is ??? The best thing in the World? Roses, Sweet south-wind, means no rain; Truth, not cruel t...

Love me Sweet, with all thou art, Feeling, Thinking, Seeing; Love me in the lightest part, love me in full being...

The best thing in the World...
What is ???
The best thing in the World?
Sweet south-wind,
means no rain;
Truth, not cruel to a friend;
Pleasure, not in haste to end;
not self-decked and curled
till its pride is over-plain;
you're loved again.
What's the best thing in the world ?
---Something out of it,
I think...

.: There is no space wider than that of grief, there ...

.: There is no space wider than that of grief, there ...: This time is difficult. Wait for me. We will live it out vividly. Give me your small hand; we will rise and suffer, we will feel, ...

There is no space wider than that of grief, there is no universe like that which bleeds...

This time is difficult.
Wait for me.
We will live it out vividly.
Give me your small hand;
we will rise and suffer,
we will feel,
we will rejoice.

We are once more the pair
who lived in bristling place,
in harsh nests in the rock.
This time is difficult.
Wait for me with a basket,
with a shovel,
with your shoes and your clothes.

Now we need each other,
not only for the carnations' sake,
not only to look for honey---
we need our hands
to wash with,
to make fire.
so let our difficult time
stand up to infinity
with four hands and
four eyes.

lørdag 28. september 2013

.: Autumn returns with wet storm and...

.: Autumn returns with wet storm and...: A day in wet mourning falls from the bells like a trembling vague-window cloth, it is a colour, a dream of sherries buried in the ea...

.: There is no space wider than that of grief, there ...

.: There is no space wider than that of grief, there ...: We are many how ??? Of the many men who I am, who we are, I can't find a single one; they disappear among my clothes, they&#39...

There is no space wider than that of grief, there iss no universe like that which bleeds.

We are many how ???
Of the many men who I am,
who we are,
I can't find a single one;
they disappear among my clothes,
they've left for another ???

.: Otherwise the darkness I have cause. We need those...

.: Otherwise the darkness I have cause. We need those...: In you Little rose, rose-let, at times, tiny and naked, it seems, as though you would fit in one of my hands, as though I'l...

Otherwise the darkness I have cause. We need those don't we? Otherwise the darkness and the cold gets in and everything stars to ache. My soul has a purpose, it is to love; if I do not fulfill my heart's vocation, I suffer...

In you
at times,
tiny and naked,
it seems,
as though you would fit
in one of my hands,
as though I'll clasp you like this
and carry you to my mouth,
my feet touch your feet and my 
mouth your lips:
you have grown,
your shoulders rise like two hills,
your breasts wander over my breast,
my arm scarcely manages to encircle
the thin new-moon line of your waist:
in love you have loosened yourself like
I can scarcely measure the sky's most 
spacious eyes and I lean down to your
mouth to kiss the earth...

.: I was once spiritually ill - we all pass through t...

.: I was once spiritually ill - we all pass through t...: Your hair, Your face... What is it you want to change ? Your hair, your face, your body ? Why ? For god is in love with all t...

I was once spiritually ill - we all pass through that - but one day the intelligence in my soul cured me...

Your hair, Your face...

What is it
you want to change ?
Your hair,
your face,
your body ?
Why ?

For god is
in love with all those things
and He might weep
when they are

.: Høst og atter høst: Dagene skrider unner allerede,...

.: Høst og atter høst: Dagene skrider unner allerede,...: Herre, herre, angsten for å leve lykkelig i morgen også får mitt hjerte til å slå og mitt blod til å be og bruse, i dag,  i morgen...

Høst og atter høst: Dagene skrider unner allerede, med solen så klar og fin, Skogen står i tempel skrud. Stille vil jeg inn i templet gå, kanskje gå, kanskje løpe, kanskje sykle, kanskje ?

Herre, herre, angsten for å leve
lykkelig i morgen også
får mitt hjerte til å slå
og mitt blod til å be og bruse,
i dag, 
i morgen hvem vet
kanskje et under vil skje.

Høst, høst
gud som lot meg både le 
og lide,  på min lyse
Hvorfor : Høst og 
trengsel i mitt hjerte.
Høst, høst hvorfor
ufred i våre sinn ?
Men, Sign, o'sus !
Jeg elsker i denne høst !
Send o'gud, en morgen
høst med mange stunder !

torsdag 26. september 2013

.: Flower... The magnificent willow of the rain was f...

.: Flower... The magnificent willow of the rain was f...: You were rose colour You turned lemon. What design did you see in my hand that seemed to be threatening you ? The apples I wanted ...

.: No one, in the vast and virgin jungle...

.: No one, in the vast and virgin jungle...: No one, in the vast and virgin jungle Of this unreckoned world, ever sees the God he knows. Only what is born upon the wind,  upon t...

.: Autumn returns with wet storm and...

.: Autumn returns with wet storm and...: A day in wet mourning falls from the bells like a trembling vague-window cloth, it is a colour, a dream of sherries buried in the ea...

onsdag 25. september 2013

.: "Nothing comes of nothing. We are Nothing"

.: "Nothing comes of nothing. We are Nothing": Nothing comes of nothing. We are nothing Briefly in sun, in air, we postpone The unbreathable darkness that weighs us down And humble ear...

.: Ich halte fur die høchste Aufgabe einer Verbindung...

.: Ich halte fur die høchste Aufgabe einer Verbindung...: My God,  I love thee; Not because I hope for heaven thereby... See, amid the winter`s snow, Born for us on earth below, See, the Lamb...

.: Critical Age... I am feeling to old... And perhap...

.: Critical Age... I am feeling to old... And perhap...: Fearsome, awesome - Too late to change ! - You've come for me also, My critical age ! - ? No weakling am I, Yet I don't feel...

.: Hvis du detter ned og brekker begge beina, så bare...

.: Hvis du detter ned og brekker begge beina, så bare...: Sjelens hvile etter den fantastiske juletid. Å for en verden, å jeg kjenner meg øde og tom i sannhet som i en ørken vi er. Hvis aldri e...

.: My heart is silent as a look... There is a home be...

.: My heart is silent as a look... There is a home be...: The world is woven all of dream and error And but one sureness in our truth my lie... That when we hold to aught our thinking's mirro...

.: Hills of the North, rejoice; Rivers and mountain-s...

.: Hills of the North, rejoice; Rivers and mountain-s...: In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In summer, quite the other way,- I have to go to bed by day. I have to ...

.: Vi tynges i støvet av syndenes skrud, men fuglen i...

.: Vi tynges i støvet av syndenes skrud, men fuglen i...: Vilt er livet... men vilvin er villere... For alle gode tanker de kan slett ikke dø... For ennå bedre tanker er spiret av deres frø... ...

.: At jeg er støv i en stjernesky er alt jeg vet. De...

.: At jeg er støv i en stjernesky er alt jeg vet. De...: Det finnes stunder da alle ord er små, da lykka er et  høst-syn: ei sol-gnist i en dråpe dugg som siger langs et blad.

.: Vinden gufser og blåser så trær faller, strøm er b...

.: Vinden gufser og blåser så trær faller, strøm er b...: Dagen lir, solen glir bakom åsen. Åsen blir. Trærne står og ligger tyst og puster; Hus uten tak. Mennesker fortviler. allting puster...

.: A faithful friend is the medicine of life...

.: A faithful friend is the medicine of life...: Emotions and desires are the stains of humanity that must be removed from the soul when it seeks to be scientific. The esthetic feeling...

.: L'amour est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent; - ...

.: L'amour est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent; - ...: L'absence est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent; Il eteint le petit, il allume le grand. Enn så lenge får jeg klare meg me...

.: Madrugada...

.: Madrugada...: Pero como el amor los saetros estan ciegos. Sobre la noche verde, las saetas dejan rastros de lirio caliente. La quilla de la l...

.: Something is happening in the world, like a breath...

.: Something is happening in the world, like a breath...: This is the song of what happening  and of what will be. This is the song of the rain of chemicals that fell upon insistent people a...

.: Oh Guitarra !

.: Oh Guitarra !: La Guitarra                                                    The Guitar Empieza el llanto                                   ...

.: Reflejo --- Reflection...

.: Reflejo --- Reflection...: Dona Luna (;Se ha roto el  azogue?) No ;Un muchacho ha encendido su linterna? Solo una mariposa basta para apagarte. Calla ...(;pe...

mandag 23. september 2013

.: A song without words !...

.: A song without words !...: No berries, no mushrooms remain in the wood, And yet it's so good, so good ! Every morning I go and bring something home Out of the ...

.: I know a song, which when the wild winds blow to b...

.: I know a song, which when the wild winds blow to b...: If to the lay my warbling voice incline, Walking its various tones with skill divine, Hush'd are the gales, the spirit of the storm ...

søndag 22. september 2013

.: Barefoot over the earth!

.: Barefoot over the earth!: Shavings curl on the beach Which berry-smells fill. A cottage grows up On Sintras hill In half-an-hour`s walk From the village My ...

.: That garland ! Hurry ! For I'm dying ! Weave qui...

.: That garland ! Hurry ! For I'm dying ! Weave qui...: Between your love for me...  and mine for you. --- air of stars and tremor of plant --- a thicket of anemones rises with a dark moan an...

.: After, we touch each stone, we say: this one is or...

.: After, we touch each stone, we say: this one is or...: The priest said only: "Brother Nature," "Brother Fjord," "Brother Water," "Brother Fire," ...

.: Hold ut og tro en liten stund snart har du nådd fr...

.: Hold ut og tro en liten stund snart har du nådd fr...: Denne verden er blott en ørken og en pilegrim føler det titt har villet seg fast i meg bitt. Da løfter jeg blikket mot himmelen, je...

.: Romance de la luna --- Ballad of the Moon.

.: Romance de la luna --- Ballad of the Moon.: La luna vino a la fragua con su polison de nardos. El nino la mira, mira. El nino la esta mirando. En el aire conmovido mueve la l...

.: Consider the lovers: see, when they start confessi...

.: Consider the lovers: see, when they start confessi...: You whom I do not tell that at night I lie and weep, whose nature leaves me ready to sleep as a cradle might --- you who say nought ...

Consider the lovers: see, when they start confessing what they have done, what liars they become !

You whom I do not tell that at night
I lie and weep,
whose nature leaves me ready to sleep
as a cradle might ---
you who say nought when when you lie awake
for my sake,
how would it be if we bore
this glory and more
in our heart ?

You render me lonely.
I find you in other things.
For a while it is you,
and then it is the wings
of the breeze,
or a fragrance that comes 
to me.
In their arms I lost them,
body and soul,
but you,
you only,
are born ever anew:
because I never held you,
now I hold you.

.: En leker så lenge med katten at en får kj...

.: En leker så lenge med katten at en får kj...: The world is woven all of dream and error And but one sureness in our truth may lie - That when we hold to aught our thinking`s mirror W...

.: No es mejor nunca que tarde ? Er ikke aldri bedre ...

.: No es mejor nunca que tarde ? Er ikke aldri bedre ...: I have hurt you, my dear, I have torn your soul. Understand me. Everyone knows who I am, but that "I am" is beside a man...

.: Der Krieg ist nichts als eine Fortsetzung des poli...

.: Der Krieg ist nichts als eine Fortsetzung des poli...: If you wish to avoid foreign collision,  you had better abandon the ocean... Gestern liebt` ich, Heute leid` ich, Morgen sterb` ich ...

.: Whether I'm happy or sad ?... Frankly I don't know...

.: Whether I'm happy or sad ?... Frankly I don't know...: I'm neither happy nor sad. I don't really know what I am. I'm just one more soul that exists And feels what God has ordai...

lørdag 21. september 2013

.: Madrugada...

.: Madrugada...: Pero como el amor los saetros estan ciegos. Sobre la noche verde, las saetas dejan rastros de lirio caliente. La quilla de la l...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...: And yet He has made dark things to be glad and merry as light. There's a little dark bird sits and sings; There's a dark stre...

fredag 20. september 2013

.: Let my fate deny me everything except to see it, f...

.: Let my fate deny me everything except to see it, f...: Whatever ceases is death, and the death is ours if it ceases for us. A bus writhes, and with it goes part of my life. In all I'v...

.: Ingenting nytt ! No news !

.: Ingenting nytt ! No news !: Credo ut intellegam ... Jeg tror for å kunne forstå... I believe in order to understand... Salig er den som grunner over visdommen ...

.: Gråsteinen er en ærlig stein. Prøver aldri å narre...

.: Gråsteinen er en ærlig stein. Prøver aldri å narre...: I fjellet Fjellet stiger mot himmelen, stivnet og stum av sinne. Dypt der nede er dalen innhyllet i et slør av tåke. Stormer ru...

.: The age demanded an image - Of its accelerated gri...

.: The age demanded an image - Of its accelerated gri...: The tea-rose tea-gown, ... Supplants the mousseline of Cos, The pianola "replaces" Sappho's barbitos. Christ follows Di...

.: After, we touch each stone, we say: this one is or...

.: After, we touch each stone, we say: this one is or...: The priest said only: "Brother Nature," "Brother Fjord," "Brother Water," "Brother Fire," ...

.: La rosa no buscaba la rosa: inmóvil por el cielo, ...

.: La rosa no buscaba la rosa: inmóvil por el cielo, ...: Del llanto He cerrado mi balcón porque no quiero oír el llanto, pero por detrás de los grises muros no se oye otra cosa que el llan...

.: No es mejor nunca que tarde ? Er ikke aldri bedre ...

.: No es mejor nunca que tarde ? Er ikke aldri bedre ...: I have hurt you, my dear, I have torn your soul. Understand me. Everyone knows who I am, but that "I am" is beside a man...

torsdag 19. september 2013

.: We pass and dream, Earth smiles, Virtue is rare, A...

.: We pass and dream, Earth smiles, Virtue is rare, A...: We live on, but, don`t understand the life ! Whether to suffer - so odd ! Or to triumph ? Be jealous or offer : My thanks to God I do...

.: Die Politik ist die Lehre vom Møglichen... Politic...

.: Die Politik ist die Lehre vom Møglichen... Politic...: Look into my ocean, My name is Used-to-was; I am also called  Played-out  and Done-to-death, And it-will-wash-no-more... In an...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...: And yet He has made dark things to be glad and merry as light. There's a little dark bird sits and sings; There's a dark stre...

.: If I had your smile awaiting me...

.: If I had your smile awaiting me...: If I had your smile awaiting me, the train would recite, across the flat fields of Europe, the syllables of your name. If I had you...

.: Don't come through the window - Don't come through...

.: Don't come through the window - Don't come through...: Sleep, little rose for the horse starts to weep. If it touches the river The horse surely dies It cries out to the mountains It cri...

.: Moon... Water...

.: Moon... Water...: My light glitters in the water like a swan in the night sky like the implacable eye of God. And on the leaves I shine a false dawn. ...

Moon... Water...

My light glitters in the water like a swan
in the night sky like the implacable eye of
And on the leaves I shine a false dawn.
So no.
They'll not escape, they can't.
Is there anyone trying to hide
Anyone sobbing like a broken heart?
The moon has left in the air
A knife with a blade of lead
an ambush to make grief in the blood.
It's so cold outside windows and walls !
Let me in !
So I can warm me !
Open the chests of the grave cloths
for only they can keep me warm.
I am cold!
I am the ash of burnt-out fires
seeking a spark in the warm bodies
sleeping in the streets and fields.
I am carried on the shoulders of snowdrifts
and glint dully in the hard cold water of
ditches and ponds.
And today red blood will warm my frozen
sheeks so I don't want any shadow
I don't  want any hiding place where
they can evade or escape me.
I want to creep into a gaping wound and 
warm me !
Let me in, 
O let me in !
I don't want shadows...

.: Reflejo --- Reflection...

.: Reflejo --- Reflection...: Dona Luna (;Se ha roto el  azogue?) No ;Un muchacho ha encendido su linterna? Solo una mariposa basta para apagarte. Calla ...(;pe...

Reflejo --- Reflection...

Dona Luna
(;Se ha roto el  azogue?)
No ;Un muchacho ha encendido
su linterna?
Solo una mariposa
basta para apagarte.
Calla ...(;pero es posible!)
;Aquella luciérnaga
es la luna!

Lady Moon.
(Did someone shatter the quicksilver?)
Has a child flicked on
the lantern?
Even a butterfly could
blow you out.
Be quiet! ... (Can it really!)
That glow-worm
is the Moon!
Todo es abanico.
Hermando, abre los brazos.
Dios es el punto.

Un pájaro tan solo
El aire multiplica.
Oímos  por espejos.

Everything's a fan.
Brother, open up your arms.
Good is the pivot.

Only a single bird
is singing.
The air is cloning it.
We hear through mirrors.

onsdag 18. september 2013

.: We were ? ...

.: We were ? ...: We were black, we were black ! We had no claim to love and bliss: What marvel, if each turned to lack ? They wrung my cold hands out ...

We were ? ...

We were black, we were black !
We had no claim to love and bliss:
What marvel, if each turned to lack ?
They wrung my cold hands out of his, ---
They dragged him ... where ? ...
I crawled to touch his blood's mark in the dust!...
... not much,
Ye pilgrim-souls... though plain as this !

.: Autumn returns with wet storm and...

.: Autumn returns with wet storm and...: A day in wet mourning falls from the bells like a trembling vague-window cloth, it is a colour, a dream of sherries buried in the ea...

Autumn returns with wet storm and...

A day in wet mourning falls from the bells
like a trembling vague-window cloth,
it is a colour,
a dream
of sherries buried in the earth,
it is tail of smoke that restlessly arrives
to change the colour of the water and
the kisses...

tirsdag 17. september 2013

.: If I had your smile awaiting me...

.: If I had your smile awaiting me...: If I had your smile awaiting me, the train would recite, across the flat fields of Europe, the syllables of your name. If I had you...

.: Don't come through the window - Don't come through...

.: Don't come through the window - Don't come through...: Sleep, little rose for the horse starts to weep. If it touches the river The horse surely dies It cries out to the mountains It cri...

Don't come through the window - Don't come through the door ! We'll lock up the window - With trees and with dreams and we'll bolt up the door--- The horse by the river won't come any more... The river is...

Sleep, little rose
for the horse starts to weep.
If it touches the river
The horse surely dies
It cries out to the mountains
It cries out to the marsh
Cries out to the river
In a voice loud and harsh
Cry for the horsey
That can't bear to drink
Cry for the river
With water black as ink
With water full of poise n
With water how is pollute d.

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...: And yet He has made dark things to be glad and merry as light. There's a little dark bird sits and sings; There's a dark stre...

.: Drink to me, onely, with thine eyes. and I will pl...

.: Drink to me, onely, with thine eyes. and I will pl...: Or leave a kisses but in the cup, And I'll not look for wine. The thirst that from the soule doth rise, Doth asks a drink divine: B...

.: I know a song, which when the wild winds blow to b...

.: I know a song, which when the wild winds blow to b...: If to the lay my warbling voice incline, Walking its various tones with skill divine, Hush'd are the gales, the spirit of the storm ...

.: El silencio...

.: El silencio...: Oye, hijo mio, el silencio. Es un silencio ondulado, un silencio, donde resbalan valles y ecos y que inclina las frentes hacia el suel...

.: Tonight I will have to search for the missing me !...

.: Tonight I will have to search for the missing me !...: They are making a machine out of my self, All modern mindless mechanics measuring my life without owning the right; An engine endles...

.: Madrugada...

.: Madrugada...: Pero como el amor los saetros estan ciegos. Sobre la noche verde, las saetas dejan rastros de lirio caliente. La quilla de la l...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...: And yet He has made dark things to be glad and merry as light. There's a little dark bird sits and sings; There's a dark stre...

mandag 16. september 2013

.: Når vette er minst, er viljen størst !...

.: Når vette er minst, er viljen størst !...: Wenn wir einen Menschen hassen, so hassen wir in seinem Bild etwas, was in uns selber sitzt. Was nicht in uns selber ist, das regt uns nich...

.: Dos bueyes rojos en el campo de oro...

.: Dos bueyes rojos en el campo de oro...: Los bueyes tienden ritmo de campanas antiguas y ojos de pájaro. Son para las mananas de niebla, y sin embargo, horada la naranja d...

.: I sang her's name instead of a song; Over and over...

.: I sang her's name instead of a song; Over and over...: I look on the sky and the sea --- We were two to love, and two to pray--- Yes, two, O God, who cried to Thee, Though nothing didst Th...

I sang her's name instead of a song; Over and over I sang her's name --- Upward and downward I drew it along my various notes; the same, the same ! I sang it low, that the slave--- near might never guess from aught they could hear; It was only a name...

I look on the sky and the sea ---
We were two to love, and two to pray---
Yes, two, O God, who cried to Thee,
Though nothing didst Thou say.
Coldy Thou sat'st behind the sun!
And now I cry who am but one,
How wilt Thou speak to-day?---

søndag 15. september 2013

.: Vinker i vinden hverandre adjø et frø for å leve e...

.: Vinker i vinden hverandre adjø et frø for å leve e...: Ein einziger dankbarer Gedanke gen Himmel  ist das vollkommenste Gebet. One single grateful thought raised to heaven  is the most ...

.: En mann er fattig som er uten sorg, men rik er den...

.: En mann er fattig som er uten sorg, men rik er den...: Oh we ain`t got a barrel of money, Maybe we`re ragged and funny, But we`ll travel along Singing` a song. A man is poor, which is ...

.: We pass and dream, Earth smiles, Virtue is rare, A...

.: We pass and dream, Earth smiles, Virtue is rare, A...: We live on, but, don`t understand the life ! Whether to suffer - so odd ! Or to triumph ? Be jealous or offer : My thanks to God I do...

.: Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem...

.: Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem...: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. A robe of seeming trut...

.: Se ven desde las barandas, por el monte, monte, mo...

.: Se ven desde las barandas, por el monte, monte, mo...: Sus ojos en las umbras se empanan de inmensa noche. En los recodos del aire  cruje la aurora salobre. Un cielo de mulos blancos da...

.: Surrealistic or : If I thought the way everyone t...

.: Surrealistic or : If I thought the way everyone t...: What's my life worth ? In the end (I do not know what end) One man says: "I earned three hundred thousand dollars" An...

.: No es mejor nunca que tarde ? Er ikke aldri bedre ...

.: No es mejor nunca que tarde ? Er ikke aldri bedre ...: I have hurt you, my dear, I have torn your soul. Understand me. Everyone knows who I am, but that "I am" is beside a man...

.: Barefoot over the earth!

.: Barefoot over the earth!: Shavings curl on the beach Which berry-smells fill. A cottage grows up On Sintras hill In half-an-hour`s walk From the village My ...

.: Vann:

.: Vann:: Hva er det? Så skal en stråleglans fra deg igjen avspeiles her i oss? Ti når jeg deg i hjerte bær, da ses det av hvis slekt jeg er...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...

.: I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they ...: And yet He has made dark things to be glad and merry as light. There's a little dark bird sits and sings; There's a dark stre...

I am black, I am black; and yet god made me, they say. But if He did so, smiling back He must have cast His work away under the feet of His white creatures, with a look of scorn, --- that the dusky features might be trodden again to clay...

And yet He has made dark things
to be glad and merry as light.
There's a little dark bird sits and sings;
There's a dark stream ripples out of sight;
And the dark frogs chant in the safe morass,
and the sweetest stars are made to pass
O'er the face of the darkest night.

But we who are dark, we are dark!
Ah, God, we have no stars!
About our souls in care and cark
our blackness shuts like prison bars:
The poor souls crouch so far behind,
that never a comfort can they find
by reaching through the prison-bars.

Indeed we live beneath the sky...
That great smooth Hand of God stretched out
on all His children fatherly.
To bless them from the fear and doubt,
which would be, if, from this low place,
all opened straight up to His face
into the grand eternity...

.: We are na fou, we're nae that fou, But just a drap...

.: We are na fou, we're nae that fou, But just a drap...: Fare-the-weel, thou first and fairest! Fare-the-weel, thou best and dearest! Thine be ilka, joy and treasure, Peace, enjoyment, Lowe and...

.: Hvis du detter ned og brekker begge beina, så bare...

.: Hvis du detter ned og brekker begge beina, så bare...: Sjelens hvile etter den fantastiske juletid. Å for en verden, å jeg kjenner meg øde og tom i sannhet som i en ørken vi er. Hvis aldri e...

.: L'amour est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent; - ...

.: L'amour est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent; - ...: L'absence est a l'amour ce qu'est au feu le vent; Il eteint le petit, il allume le grand. Enn så lenge får jeg klare meg me...

.: That garland ! Hurry ! For I'm dying ! Weave qui...

.: That garland ! Hurry ! For I'm dying ! Weave qui...: Between your love for me...  and mine for you. --- air of stars and tremor of plant --- a thicket of anemones rises with a dark moan an...

.: Romance de la luna --- Ballad of the Moon.

.: Romance de la luna --- Ballad of the Moon.: La luna vino a la fragua con su polison de nardos. El nino la mira, mira. El nino la esta mirando. En el aire conmovido mueve la l...

.: Fruits are given by trees that live...

.: Fruits are given by trees that live...: Not by the wishful mind, which adores itself with ashen flowers from the abyss within. How many kingdoms in minds and in things your...

lørdag 14. september 2013

.: Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva e...

.: Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva e...: Vær tro i din vandring, det er kunn en stund du fortsetter ferden. Og så skal du løses fra trengslen her. Da skal du for evig være de...

.: Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy res...

.: Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy res...: Did you ever notice that when  a politician does get an idea he usually gets it all wrong... Honesty is a good thing but, it is not...

.: Delight in disorder...

.: Delight in disorder...: A sweet disorder in the dresses Kindles in loathes a wantonness e: A Lawn e about the shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction:--- A...

Delight in disorder...

A sweet disorder in the dresses
Kindles in loathes a wantonness e:
A Lawn e about the shoulders thrown
Into a fine distraction:---
An erring Lace, which here and there
En-thralls the Crimson Stomacher:---
A cuff e neglect full, and thereby
Rib-bands to flow confusedly:---
A winning wave (deserving Note)
In the tempestuous petticote: ---  
A caress e shoe-string, in whose tye
I see a wild civility: ---
Doe more bewitch me, than when Art
Is too precise in every part.

When I am sad and weary,
when I think all hope has gone,
When I walk alone 
I think of you with nothing on.

fredag 13. september 2013

.: You to run all night ! You to run all day ! I'll...

.: You to run all night ! You to run all day ! I'll...: Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favour fire. But if...

You to run all night ! You to run all day ! I'll bet my money on de bobtail nag - Somebody bet on de bay...

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say:
That for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice... 

.: Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få fo...

.: Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få fo...: Slå rot som et tre og la din ånd være som fuglen, husk din lovnad. du er et menneske og at folket er din plikt.

Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få forstand av...

Slå rot som et tre
og la din ånd være
som fuglen,
husk din lovnad.
du er et menneske
og at folket er din

.: At jeg er støv i en stjernesky er alt jeg vet. De...

.: At jeg er støv i en stjernesky er alt jeg vet. De...: Det finnes stunder da alle ord er små, da lykka er et  høst-syn: ei sol-gnist i en dråpe dugg som siger langs et blad.

At jeg er støv i en stjernesky er alt jeg vet. Det er ikke mye, men det er stort...

Det finnes stunder
da alle ord er små,
da lykka er et 
ei sol-gnist i en dråpe
som siger langs et

onsdag 11. september 2013

.: Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem...

.: Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem...: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. A robe of seeming trut...

.: Om allverden sier nei er det en sol som gryr!

.: Om allverden sier nei er det en sol som gryr!: En stor menighet... Underneath the Arches, I dream my dreams away, Underneath the Arches, On cobbles-stones I lay... You can c...

.: Hills of the North, rejoice; Rivers and mountain-s...

.: Hills of the North, rejoice; Rivers and mountain-s...: In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In summer, quite the other way,- I have to go to bed by day. I have to ...

.: Die Politik ist die Lehre vom Møglichen... Politic...

.: Die Politik ist die Lehre vom Møglichen... Politic...: Look into my ocean, My name is Used-to-was; I am also called  Played-out  and Done-to-death, And it-will-wash-no-more... In an...

.: Der ewige Freide ist ein Traum, und nicht einmal e...

.: Der ewige Freide ist ein Traum, und nicht einmal e...: Everlasting peace is a dream,  and not even a pleasant one;  Say some... do they think ? Look at Africa... Very bad, how can be summar...

.: Es verdad que las esperanzas deben regarse con roc...

.: Es verdad que las esperanzas deben regarse con roc...: Ah ! And we, under the indifferent, favourable shade, with a pitcher of wine beside us. And only intent on the gratuitous effort t...

.: Something is happening in the world, like a breath...

.: Something is happening in the world, like a breath...: This is the song of what happening  and of what will be. This is the song of the rain of chemicals that fell upon insistent people a...

.: My restless solitude !

.: My restless solitude !: My restless solitude! the small eyes of my body and the larger eyes of my horse do not close at night not look to the other side wh...

mandag 9. september 2013

.: Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få fo...

.: Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få fo...: Som du ingen kjente galskapen uten bot Langt borte i sjelens øde... Jeg ser i alt ikke hva det er... Det som er innenfor er lett... D...

.: Romance de la luna --- Ballad of the Moon.

.: Romance de la luna --- Ballad of the Moon.: La luna vino a la fragua con su polison de nardos. El nino la mira, mira. El nino la esta mirando. En el aire conmovido mueve la l...

.: Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy res...

.: Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy res...: Did you ever notice that when  a politician does get an idea he usually gets it all wrong... Honesty is a good thing but, it is not...

.: Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva e...

.: Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva e...: Vær tro i din vandring, det er kunn en stund du fortsetter ferden. Og så skal du løses fra trengslen her. Da skal du for evig være de...

.: Den som er blitt beruset av makt, og har fordel av...

.: Den som er blitt beruset av makt, og har fordel av...: POWER TO THE :? What wee gave, wee have; What wee spent, wee had; What wee kept, wee lost; What is power ? Human egoism ? ...

.: Das Erbarmen Gottes mit der einzigen Not, die alle...

.: Das Erbarmen Gottes mit der einzigen Not, die alle...: There are no limits to God`s compassion with Paradises  over their one universally felt want: he immediately created other animals bes...

.: Madrugada...

.: Madrugada...: Pero como el amor los saetros estan ciegos. Sobre la noche verde, las saetas dejan rastros de lirio caliente. La quilla de la l...

søndag 8. september 2013

.: Vann:

.: Vann:: Hva er det? Så skal en stråleglans fra deg igjen avspeiles her i oss? Ti når jeg deg i hjerte bær, da ses det av hvis slekt jeg er...

.: Conjuro...

.: Conjuro...: La mano crispada como una Medusa ciega el ojo doliente del candil. As de bastos. Tijeras en cruz. sobre el humo blanco del inci...


La mano crispada
como una Medusa
ciega el ojo doliente
del candil.

As de bastos.
Tijeras en cruz.

sobre el humo blanco
del incienso, tiene
algo de topo y
mariposa indecisa.

As de bastos.
Tijeras en cruz.

Aprieta un corazon
invisible, ;la veis?
Un corazon
reflejado en el viento.

As de bastos.
Tijeras en cruz.

.: Fortune ! If thou'll but gie me still Hale breeks...

.: Fortune ! If thou'll but gie me still Hale breeks...

Fortune ! If thou'll but gie me still Hale breeks, a scone, an' whisky gill, An' rowth o'rhyme to rave at will, Take' a' the rest, an' deal't about as thy blind skill directs thee best...

.: She sleeps inside my soul and sometimes wakes up i...

.: She sleeps inside my soul and sometimes wakes up i...: A guitar on my street ... Children playing outside ... A Sunday, and the sun Shining golden with joy ... My sorrow that mak...

She sleeps inside my soul and sometimes wakes up in the night and plays with my dreams. She flips some of them over the air, piles some on top of others, and claps hers hands all by her-selves, smiling at my slumber...

A guitar on my street ...
Children playing outside ...
A Sunday, and the sun
Shining golden with joy ...

My sorrow that makes me
Love all that's indefinite ...
Though I had little life,
It pains me to have lost it.

But my life already
Runs deep in changes ...
A guitar I miss hearing,
Those children I miss being !