mandag 27. juni 2011

Den som sår penger, høster armod!

Den som ingen penger har, slipper å bære pung...

Men ugla pratet i vei og han brukte lengre og
lengre ord, helt til han til slutt var tilbake der
hvor han begynte.
(Ole Brumm)

Is it God or money that controls...
I think it is money?
Or it is desire?
Money and desire is power
Power is important for people.

Of the three things we have in life
Health, money and love
Do most of us regards money 
as the preferable s. 
They believe it is the greatest 
one can achieve...

There are many people in the world
As worship money and power before...
With a force so great
The fact that nothing can get in your way.

War and desire are made of money 
And to create discord
Kill our brothers here on the earth
For money and power.

Money is our friend?
For many, yes...
One commits this and the other
For the money...

The Lord drove out...
It makes me furious
For it is largely due
Money and desire...

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