tirsdag 24. januar 2017

Det gode, så vel som de onde ord, ---snart er de sneen som falt i fjor. The good as well as evil words, --- soon is the snow that come last year. Die gute als auch böse Worte, ist --- bald der Schnee, der im vergangenen Jahr fiel. La bonne ainsi que de mauvaises paroles, --- est bientôt la neige qui est tombée l'année dernière. La buena, así como las malas palabras, --- pronto es la nieve que cayó el año pasado.

Everyone is after me to
jump through hoops,
whoop it up,
play football,
rush about,
even go swimming and flying.
Fair enough.

Everyone is after me to
take it easy.
they all make doctor's
appointment for me,
I'm not ill I think.
What is going on ?

Everyone is picking on me,
with their relentless knives 
and forks, 
I am afraid.

I am afraid of the whole
afraid of cold water,
afraid of death.
I am as all mortals are,
unable to be patient.

And so,
in these brief,
passing days,
I shall not take them into account.
I shall open up and closet myself
with my most treacherous enemy,
my selves...

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