torsdag 30. juli 2015

I was once a star. I travelled anywhere my path not even a journey just me, my own universe - You and they imagined me floating aimlessly...endlessly... whilst you had seen me a beacon of hope the guide to wish and to change yet you forget I breathed death from the moment I began.

You and I,
We're inked like soul mates...
It was a fresh nice day,
That we picked,
White and purple flowers.

Drawn in our blood,
Lined with black...
It was a fresh nice day,
That we picked,
White and purple flowers.

Yet we were already bound,
Together, in buds and chains, -
Before that fresh nice day,
That we picked,
White and purple flowers.

Marked with every blossom,
That have been our trials and joys -
I'm glad it was that nice day,
That we picked.
White and purple flowers.

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