lørdag 29. mars 2014

Sometimes we smile - Sometimes we frown - Sometime we laugh - Sometimes we sigh.

The colour of light...

I was once a star.
I travelled anywhere
My path not even a journey
Just me, my own universe - 
You and they
Imaging me floating
Aimless y...endless y...
Whiles't you had seen me
A frog of hope
The guide to wish and to change.
Yet you forget
I breathed dead
From the moment I meet you.

It was not even a life.
What would I have known
Of dreams
Or of worlds, of places -
Maybe others like me
Who in their own space
Would see...all that was...
Maybe what could've been
We couldn't touch them
Let alone hold
In time that existed
Where we were nothing.

I could see an ending.
I didn't know how far
to where I would begin again---
was it fate or chance
That I had followed you
I knew your life before mine
But later I would forget it
whilst going through colour and light
To find you waiting for me
through you never knew me
Until ?...

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