tirsdag 12. juni 2012

"Let's go back to the source" said our friends.

'Of rivers'
'Of words'
'Of dreams'
'Of realities'
'Of friendship'
'Of fellowship'
'Of what the heart feels'

'Let's dream again,' said New Friend.
'Like we used to as kids.'
'Of Eden when it was new.'
'And after we have restored it.'
'With love.'
'And courage.'
'with patience.'
'and wisdom.'

'Let's play again,' said New Friend.
'As on the first day.'
'When we were the garden.'
'And the garden was us.'

'Let's be happy again,' said New Friend.
'As on the first day.'
'when all love was ours.'
'As it still is.'
'And always will be,' they both said
together, as one...

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