onsdag 30. november 2011
.: I think it better that at times like these: We let...
.: I think it better that at times like these: We let...: I`m a runaway when I was born They shut me up Inside myself. Ah, but I ran away. In my boat. If people get sick Of living in The sa...
I think it better that at times like these: We let our mouths shut, for in truth, we have no gift to set a politicians right; they had enough of meddling who can please the poor people or !...
I`m a runaway
when I was born
They shut me up Inside myself.
Ah, but I ran away.
In my boat.
If people get sick
Of living in
The same old place,
Why not of living,
In the same old skin?
With the same old problems?
My soul is on
The lookout for me,
But I lie low,
Will it never fine me?
Never, I hope !
My money has gone !
I have no work...
Like all youngsters !
Being myself only
Means being pinned down
And no one at all.
I'll live on the run,
And really live !
when I was born
They shut me up Inside myself.
Ah, but I ran away.
In my boat.
If people get sick
Of living in
The same old place,
Why not of living,
In the same old skin?
With the same old problems?
My soul is on
The lookout for me,
But I lie low,
Will it never fine me?
Never, I hope !
My money has gone !
I have no work...
Like all youngsters !
Being myself only
Means being pinned down
And no one at all.
I'll live on the run,
And really live !
.: Whoever would like to sum up the principal feature...
.: Whoever would like to sum up the principal feature...: There are some days when each person I meet, and even more the daily, obligatory social contact, acquire a symbolic aspect, and whether ...
Whoever would like to sum up the principal feature of modern art in one word would find in dream the perfect word. Modern art is the art of the dream... Raul Perez is one of the finest and most interesting surrealist artist I have meet.
There are some days when each person I meet,
and even more the daily, obligatory social contact,
acquire a symbolic aspect,
and whether separate or bound together, form an occult or
prophetic script, shadow-descriptive of my life.
The office becomes a page for me with words of people; The
street is a book; The words exchanged with people I normally,
or not so normally, meet are things said for which I have no
dictionary although I do have a slight understanding of them.
They speak, they express; They are words, as I have said, and
they don`t reveal, they let no one see through them.
Yet, in my crepuscular vision, I discern if ever so vaguely what
these quick glass windows, laid bare upon the appearance of things,
allow us to be concealed or revealed on the inside. I understand
without knowledge like a blind man to whom one speaks of colors...
.: Life is perhaps most wisely regarded as a bad drea...
.: Life is perhaps most wisely regarded as a bad drea...: Could I say what I think, could I express My every hidden and too-silent thought, And bring my feelings, in perfection wrought, To one u...
Life is perhaps most wisely regarded as a bad dream between two awakenings, and every day is a life in miniature...
Could I say what I think, could I express
My every hidden and too-silent thought,
And bring my feelings, in perfection wrought,
To one unforced point of living stress.

Could I breathe forth my soul, could I confess
The immost secrets to my nature brought;
I might be great, yet none to me hath taught
A language well to figure my distress
Yet day and night to me new whispers bring,
And day and night from me old whispers take...
Oh for a word, one phrase in which to fling.
All that I think and feel, and so to wake
The world; but I am dumb and cannot sing,
Dumb as You clouds before the thunders break.
.: Vinden løper i bølger unner rytternes hav - Lette ...
.: Vinden løper i bølger unner rytternes hav - Lette ...: Rytteren Å kors i alle tider, Se rytteren rir Se damene i vinduet Se pikene på hjørnet Se rytteren sitter som en prins på sin hes...
Vinden løper i bølger unner rytternes hav - Lette skyer, tømmerflåter som hinder, morgentimer langt fra folk... Lokker - kaller - lengre lengre vekk fra folk og fe...Vinden løper i bølger...
Å kors i alle tider,
Se rytteren rir
Se damene i vinduet
Se pikene på hjørnet
Se rytteren sitter som en prins på sin hest
O`Gud hva han er vakker på sin hvite hest !
Sa pikene…
Ja se han smiler og vinker som den kar han tror han er!
Se solen den lyser på rytteren
Se støvlene de skinner
Så blanke og fine
Han er så rak i ryggen
Han kan handtere en hest
Så fint, så fint
Nei, se rytteren smiler og vinker
Og sitter som den stolte rytter han er
O`Gud hva han er vakker på sin hvite hest !
Ja se han smiler og vinker som den kar han tror han er !
tirsdag 29. november 2011
.: Snart er det nytt år... Tenk hva det innebærer...
.: Snart er det nytt år... Tenk hva det innebærer...: En hver har sin sorg, og jeg har min... Drømme kan vi... Et hvert år har sine problemer, regn, sykdom, men selvfølgelig sol - Sol so...
Snart er det nytt år... Tenk hva det innebærer...
En hver har sin sorg,
og jeg har min...
Drømme kan vi...
Et hvert år har sine problemer,
regn, sykdom, men selvfølgelig sol -
Sol som gjør godt for kropp og sjel.
Men vær ikke lei deg, min kjære venn,
Det skal en gang bli bra igjen, om enn
ikke før neste nytt år.
Glem sulten og lengsel, min kjære venn;
vi skal begynne på nytt igjen, til neste
nyår, til neste nyår min kjære venn.
.: Democracy Means government by discussion, but it i...
.: Democracy Means government by discussion, but it i...: My I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are the result of previous study ?... In such c...
Democracy Means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking and ask for more...
My I ask whether these pleasing
attentions proceed from the impulse
of the moment, or are the result of
previous study ?...
In such cases we should not know what to say.
This is when we say "words fail us"
and mean this literally.
We should need new words.
The old ones just would not fit.
They aren`t meant to cover this kin of case...
To all my "friends"
Please have a nice day...
Hope you all understand and if not !
Do not care...
.: En kan dra hvor en vil, men en kan ikke dra fra se...
.: En kan dra hvor en vil, men en kan ikke dra fra se...: Grip sjansen ! En boks sild i dill og en boks makrell i tomat, Selges rimelig da boksenøklekene er bortkommet. Kun personlig fremmøte...
.: I can not eat but little meat, My stomach is not ...
.: I can not eat but little meat, My stomach is not ...: I don`t know if the stars rule the world Or if drinking or playing cards Can reveal anything. I don`t know if the rolling of dice Can l...
I can not eat but little meat, My stomach is not good neither my head; But sure I think, that I can dink with him that wears a hood. Through I go bare, take ye no care, I am nothing acold: I stuff my skin, so full within, Of jolly good ale and old, Back and side go bare, go bare; Both foot and hand go cold; But belly God send thee good ale enough; Whether it be new or old...
mandag 28. november 2011
.: Det er forsent å spare når en ser bånn i brønnen.....
.: Det er forsent å spare når en ser bånn i brønnen.....: De beste år av vårt liv; Kilder som står sesongarbeider Oskar "Grosot" fra Krapfoss nær. Opplyser over en flaske dobbeltrenset at seso...
.: A man who has not passed through the inferno of hi...
.: A man who has not passed through the inferno of hi...: Passion for barrels or barrels of vine ?... Well, who knows, who knows, If once, way back, before me, I did not leave from such a dock...
A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them... Ein Mensch, der nicht durch die Hølle seiner Leidenschaften gegangen ist, hat sie auch nie uberwunden...
Passion for barrels or barrels of vine ?...
Well, who knows, who knows,
If once, way back, before me,
I did not leave from such a dock; if I, a ship
In the sun`s slanting dawn light,
Did not depart from some other port?
Who knows if I did not leave behind,
Before this hour of the external world I now see
Raying out around me, with poor people,
Some huge dock lined with a few people,
In a large half-waked city, with starving people...
A big mushrooming, commercial, apoplectic city,
With empty politicians, without empathy. and feelings for other than themselves.
Much as this one might be, out of Space and out of Time ?
We have to fight for...
.: Forlorn ! The very word is like a bell - To toll ...
.: Forlorn ! The very word is like a bell - To toll ...: O, for a draught of vintage ! That hath been Cooled a long age in the deep-delved earth, Tasting of Flora Lavendel and the country green...
Forlorn ! The very word is like a bell - To toll me back from thee to my sole self ! Adieu ! The fancy cannot cheat so well - As she is famed to do, deceiving elf...
O, for a draught of vintage !
That hath been Cooled a long age
in the deep-delved earth,
Tasting of Flora Lavendel and the country green,
Dance, and song from a Fado singer,
and sunburn mirth !
O for a beaker full of the warm South,
Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
And purple-stained mouth;
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
And with thee fade away into the forest dim...
.: Annen manns stek er alltid fet...
.: Annen manns stek er alltid fet...: Ølstafett : Gjertitten, han som bodde i Gjeterhytta ved Ramberg og han Graver`n fra Klommesten som begge var avholdsfolk. Deltok i år...
Annen manns stek er alltid fet...
Ølstafett :
Gjertitten, han som bodde i Gjeterhytta ved Ramberg
og han Graver`n fra Klommesten som begge var
Deltok i årets første ølstafett med lutefisk,
De begge trente hart på enkelte detaljer i
ølstafetten, tok seg helt ut...
Hvor-etter dem begge knurret og grov seg
ned i snøen som manglet !
Ha en god dag !
søndag 27. november 2011
.: Mats kom inn i klasserommet med en hamburger og en...
.: Mats kom inn i klasserommet med en hamburger og en...: Det en ikke kan få... Slipper en å bære...
.: Somewhere on the other side of this wide night and...
.: Somewhere on the other side of this wide night and...: No, don`t say a word ! Guessing what it will say --- Your covered mouth --- Is hearing it already. It`s hearing it better Than what ...
Somewhere on the other side of this wide night and the distance between us, I am thinking on you. The room is turning slowly away from the moon. This is pleasurable. Or shall I cross that out and say it is sad...To fare away ... In one of the tenses I singing an impossible song of desire that you cannot hear...
.: Nothing is more contrary to the organization of th...
.: Nothing is more contrary to the organization of th...: Soon Christmas... One God is born. Others die. Truth... Did not come or go. Error changed. Eternity is different now. What happened wa...
lørdag 26. november 2011
.: Lord, thy church on earth is seeking... thy renewa...
.: Lord, thy church on earth is seeking... thy renewa...: Between the tree and seeing it ! where is the dream ? What bridge`s arch observes God More ? ... And I am downcast, Not knowing if the ...
Lord, thy church on earth is seeking... thy renewal from above; Teach us all the art of speaking... With the accent of thy love...
Between the tree and seeing it !
where is the dream ?
What bridge`s arch observes God
More ? ... And I am downcast,
Not knowing if the bridge`s curve
Is the horizon`s...
Between life and what is living,
Toward which side does the river flow?
Trees with leaves laden,
Between Treeness and all this, what`s the thread?
Doves in flight, is the dovecote
Ever to their right, or is it real ?
God is a huge Interval,
But between what and what ?...
Between my speech and speechlessness,
Do I exist ? Who is it sees me ?
I stray ... And the dovecote up above,
It is around the dove, or to one side ?
.: Kommer det ny støtte under et gammelt hus, står de...
.: Kommer det ny støtte under et gammelt hus, står de...: Ditt hjerte banker i mitt øre ditt blod strømmer i min hånd I blind sol brenner vi som nye kloder Til du våkner og ler i en storm ...
Kommer det ny støtte under et gammelt hus, står det lenger !
Ditt hjerte banker i mitt øre
ditt blod strømmer i min hånd
I blind sol
brenner vi som nye kloder
Til du våkner og ler
i en storm av hår
Under epleblomstene som var
kommer der et nytt år
Stillhet under blinkende lys
Stillhet i et hjertes eneværlse
Stillhet før dagen våkner
Stillhet når stemmene synker
Stillhet når tiden setter seg ned å lytter
fredag 25. november 2011
.: "Nothing comes of nothing. We are Nothing"
.: "Nothing comes of nothing. We are Nothing": Nothing comes of nothing. We are nothing Briefly in sun, in air, we postpone The unbreathable darkness that weighs us down And humble ear...
"Nothing comes of nothing. We are Nothing"
Nothing comes of nothing. We are nothing
Briefly in sun, in air, we postpone
The unbreathable darkness that weighs us down
And humble earth imposes,
Delayed corpses that breed.
Made laws, observed statues, finished odes-
All find their proper grave. If we, the flesh
To whom a friendly sun gives blood, come
To an end, why not they as well ?
We`re stories telling stories, nothing.
I do not understand, or do I...
Briefly in sun, in air, we postpone
The unbreathable darkness that weighs us down
And humble earth imposes,
Delayed corpses that breed.
Made laws, observed statues, finished odes-
All find their proper grave. If we, the flesh
To whom a friendly sun gives blood, come
To an end, why not they as well ?
We`re stories telling stories, nothing.
I do not understand, or do I...
.: For all the good thoughts they can not die; For ye...
.: For all the good thoughts they can not die; For ye...: My crazy tumbling inspires me Barley able to breath, I get to my feet exalted, For the verses are me not being able to burst from living....
For all the good thoughts they can not die; For yet more thoughts are sprouted from their seeds... For alle gode tanker de kan slett ikke dø, før ennu bedre tanker er spiret av deres frø...
My crazy tumbling inspires me
Barley able to breath, I get to my feet exalted,
For the verses are me not being able to burst from living.
Open all the windows for me !
Throw open all the doors !
Pull the whole house up over me !
I want to live freely, out in the open.
I want to make gestures beyond my body,
To run like the rain streaming down over walls,
To be stepped on like stones down the broad streets,
To sink like heavy weights to the bottom of the sea,
And all this voluptuously, a feeling alien to me now !
I don`t want the doors bolted !
I don`t want the safes locked !
I want to horn in there, put my nose in, be dragged off,
I want to be somebody else`s wounded member,
I want to be spilled from crates,
I want to be thrown in the ocean,
I want them to come looking for me at home with lewd intentions-
Just so I`m not always sitting here quietly,
Just so I`m not simply writing these verses !
I`m against in-between spaces in the world !
I`m for the compenetrated material contiguity of objects !
I`m for physical bodies commingling like souls,
I`m for the pleasure of life !
Not just dynamically but statically too !
I want to fly and fall from way up high !
To be thrown like a hand grenade !
Jump, leap, take the bit between your teeth !
Red-hot iron Pegasus of my twitching anxieties,
Wavering parking place of my motorized destiny !
Yes I`m, not mad, but, yes I`m !
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