tirsdag 22. mai 2018

To think a flower is to see and smell it, and to eat a fruit is to know its meaning...--- Å tenke på en blomst er som å se og lukte den, og å spise en frukt er som å kjenne dens mening ... --- Penser à une fleur, c'est comme la voir et la sentir, et manger un fruit, c'est comme en connaître la signification ...Das Denken an eine Blume ist wie das Sehen und Riechen, und das Essen einer Frucht ist wie das Wissen um ihre Bedeutung ... --- Pensar en una flor es como verla y olerla, y comer una fruta es como saber su significado ...

Does a flower really have beauty ?
Does a fruit really have beauty ?
No : I think, my be rong...
They have only color and form
   And existence.
Beauty is the name of something
   that doesn't exist
   but that I give to things in exchange
   for the pleasure they give me.
It means nothing.
So why do I say about things:
   they're beautiful ?

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