torsdag 12. juli 2012

What is a man ?

What is living ? finding a great hall
Inside a cell.
What is knowing ? One root
To all the branches.

What is believing ? Holding out
Until relief comes.
And forgiving ? Crawling through thorns
To the side of an old foe.

What is singing ? Winning back
The first breath of creation:
And work should be a song
Made of wheat or wood.

What is statecraft ? Something
Still on all fours.
And defence of the realm ?
A sword thrust in a baby's hand.

What is being a nation ? A talent
Springing in the heart.
and love of country ? Keeping house
Among a cloud of witness.

What is this world to the great powers ?
A circle turning.
And to the lowly of the earth ?
A cradle rocking.

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