lørdag 7. juli 2012

Not too much... Man must never have Too Much...

Too much Rest benumbs the mind;
Too much Strife distract mankind;
Too much Negligence is Slot;
Too much Zeal is Folly's growth;
Too much Love our peace annoys,
Too much Physic life destroys;
Too much Cunning's fraudful art,
Too much Firmness want of heart;
Too much sparing makes a knave;

Those are rash that are too brave;

Too much Wealth like weight oppresses;
Too much Fame with care distresses;
Too much Pleasure death will bring;
Too much Wit's a dang'rous thing;
Too much Trust is folly's guide;
Too much Spirit is but pride;

He's a dupe that is too free;

Too much Bounty weak must be;
Too much Complaisance a knave;
Too much Zeal to please a slave;

this Too Much, tho' bad it seem,
Chang'd with ease to good you deem;
But in this you err my friend,
For on Trifles all depend.
Trifles great effects produce,
Both of pleasure and of use;
Trifles often turn the scale.

Too Much...

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