fredag 1. juni 2012

Do not postpone a kindly deed !

It's spring, it's spring,
there's no mistake:
The night's been cold, with stars agleam.
But now, when day begins to break,
The merest puddl's like a lake.
a waterfall - the merest stream.

Though any brook, however small,
Just for a day, if not for aye,
with full-size rivers tries to vie,
And spikes of green attract the eye,
What is there new ?
Nothing at all !
It's always so, you won't deny !

Some may consider sweet the swishing
Of merry bird wings all around,
Just as the blue sky without bound,
The riverboat's rumbustious sound...
What's so sensational
Or special ?
What more, my friends, is there to say ?
Be it as common as it may...

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