mandag 14. mai 2012

Awaking in Lisbon... Curtains forcing their will against the wind, against the sun, against the ? Children sleep, exchanging dreams with seraphim. The city drags itself awake on prams straps; and I, an alarm, awake as a rumor of war. Lay stretching into dawn, unasked and unheeded.

I see you
Neat Afro,
Full lips,
A little goatee.
A Malcom,
Du Bois.
Sunday services become sweeter when you're ?
Then I don't have to explain why
I was out balling the town down,
Saturday night.

Thank you Lord.
I want to thank you, Lord
For life and all that's in it.
Thank you for the day
And for the hour and for the minute.
I know many are gone,
I'm still living on,
I want to thank You.

I went to sleep last night
And I arose with the dawn,
I know that there are others
who're still sleeping on,
They've gone away,
You've let me stay.
I want to thank you.

I was once a sinner man,
Living unsaved and wild,
Taking my chances in a dangerous world,
And still I do...
And putting my soul on trial.
And still I do...
Let me humbly say,
thank you for this day
I want to thank you.
And still I am...
And I do like...

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