onsdag 11. januar 2012

Chapman & Hall - Swore not at all. - Mr Chapman's yea was yea, - Mr Hall's nay was nay...

My glance is clear like a sunflower.
I usually take to the roads,
Looking to my right and to my left,
And now and then looking behind me...
And what I see each moment
Is something I'd never seen before,
And I'm good at noticing such things...
I know how to feels if, on being born,
He could note he'd really been born...
I feel that I am being born each moment
Into the eternal newness of the world...

I believe in the World as in a daisy
Because I see it. But I don't think about it
Because thinking is not understanding...
The World was not made for us to think about
But for us to look at and be in tune with...

I have no philosophy, I have senses...
If I speak of Nature, it's not because I know what
                    Nature is,
But because I love it, and that's why I love it,
For a lover never knows what he loves,
Why he loves or what love is...
Loving is eternal innocence,
And the only innocence is not to think...

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