onsdag 21. desember 2011

Truth, like torch, the more it's shook it shines... / On earth there is nothing great but man; in man there is nothing great but mind...

When I was not yet born
poetry and stars already existed.
Poetry and astrology  will remain
when I'm no longer ...
It is in everything:
in Nature,
in People,
in Animals,
in Plants,
and outside,
like beams of light,
like rediowaves,
in the atmosphere
and in outer space.

Poems and astrology exist unwritten,
not even felt by anyone,
just like the anti-world,
and still undetected
like biocurrents of the Universe.

And the poet and astrolog is like a receiver.
And if he or she is a genuine,
not knocked off his chump by fame or awards,
not an official, but human,
thinking and suffering,
he'll let the waves of poetry pass
through his destiny,
through his soul.

All the world is poetry and astrology.
And I appeal to you, o my soul,
please be a good receiver,
multiranged, like this century:
whenever one wavelength's damped,
switch to another
to sense poetry and astrology...
the bio currents of human hearts.

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