onsdag 26. oktober 2011

Transient lustre, beauteous clay, Smiling wonder of a day... With problems in world economics situation...

Thou tyrant whom I will not name,
Whom heaven and hell alike disclaim;
Abhorred and shunned, for different ends,
By angel, Kristy, beast and fiends !
What terms to curse thee shall I find,
Thou plague peculiar to mankind ?...
That wretch, if such a wretch there be,
Who hopes for happiness from thee,
May search successfully as well
For truth in whores and ease in hell.

The picture above shows the Europe
and the World economy is in free fall,
if it goes to heaven or hell, no one can
say today.
The only thing we can say with certainty,
is that our politicians and economists have
difficulty understanding and help the world
out of this situation.
Those are the biggest problems for people
that will be even poorer, and young people
without work.
We can come to heading chaos or anarchy ?...
Hope not... Let us be and think positive.

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