torsdag 29. september 2011

Skiftende skydekke ! Hva nå? Du våkner og blir liggende å smile ! Gleden og sorgen fra dagen før strømmer igjennom deg !

Changing cloud cover !

What now? You wake up and are left to smile !
The joy and sorrow from the day before flowing
through you !
Your clothing is in a terrible mess on the floor after
the party yesterday.

In your mind, start over, how was it ?
You met happy peoples ready to work hard and 
look for the reward the big and nice party.

Room filled with flowers and all the aids to give lectures.
All talks about increase of taxes, and how to present it.
To the voters, strategies, campaigns, how the media
will react, etc... Heavy thoughts and work.

Finally ready for the most important !
Tonight`s big party, wonderful, beautiful women
and expectant boyfriends, what now...
How is this.
Where will it end ? Fantastic we hope...

And then wake up to the mediate day, for with 
all the joy, there was little sleep last night.
It does nothing with respect to the achieved
last night !

Danced over the floor after the daily newspaper...
The party abruptly fades...
Headlines, many died, war or what?
Terrible, it cries out against this is real life.
Hard, naked, merciless life. Awful...
How can one be cheering happy when others 
have it so bad ?
You get to the obituaries, and it clamps to the
heart. How can anyone know who is, has lost one
of his closest.

The next days, go through and struggle with this-
have a right to rejoice in a world full of misery ?

You are standing in your own circle of light,
in your own world, your friends and you see 
the same in a larger ring, where sorrow and 
pain shadows have gathered.

Earth`s children are like trees in the forest,
where they are at the mercy flooding and
drought, too much and too little.
Given the price ups and downs strength tests.
Grief comes and must be received. But when
there is joy how is your guest, be happy,
and receive it with pleasure.

Remember the people under heaven with 
changing clouds cover; is mercy for each other.

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