onsdag 14. september 2011


The living room flows of shit !
Cans, cloths, boots on the floor
and on the table, thermos bottles, 
beer cans, cake box, dinner remains.
Fucking hell for a life !

In the distance shines a new party
Be-live me ! For a life...
Then the bell rings at the door
The party is being born. I think.
What about tomorrow ?
I have forgot to morrow.

It happens,
Happens so often, too often
I think.

The body
What about it, bad conditions,
I think
Oh for a party.

The house is worse than a pigsty
Must be clean, must be washing,
must be on the job... 
I think
Work is shit !
Do not want
Better with a party...

Please have a nice time...

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