fredag 30. september 2011
.: Oft fuhl ich jetz... (und) je tiefer ich einsehe, ...
.: Oft fuhl ich jetz... (und) je tiefer ich einsehe, ...: I often feel, and ever more deeply I realize, that fate and character are the same conception. Hills of the North, rejoice; Rivers and...
.: Alkohol gjør meg edru. Etter noen slurker wisky sl...
.: Alkohol gjør meg edru. Etter noen slurker wisky sl...: Error has never approached my spirit. Moralitat ist Heerden-Instinkt in Einzelen. (Morality is the herd-instinct in the individual) ...
Alkohol gjør meg edru. Etter noen slurker wisky slutter jeg å tenke på deg...There is nothing the body suffers the soul may not profit by...
Error has never approached my spirit.
Moralitat ist Heerden-Instinkt in Einzelen.
(Morality is the herd-instinct in the individual)
I beg you pardon...
At the name of Jesus
Every knee shall bow,
Every tongue confess him
King of glory now;
`Tis the Father`s pleasure
We should call him Lord,
Who from the beginning
Was the mighty word.
torsdag 29. september 2011
.: Skiftende skydekke ! Hva nå? Du våkner og blir lig...
.: Skiftende skydekke ! Hva nå? Du våkner og blir lig...: Changing cloud cover ! What now? You wake up and are left to smile ! The joy and sorrow from the day before flowing through you ! You...
Skiftende skydekke ! Hva nå? Du våkner og blir liggende å smile ! Gleden og sorgen fra dagen før strømmer igjennom deg !
Changing cloud cover !
What now? You wake up and are left to smile !
The joy and sorrow from the day before flowing
through you !
Your clothing is in a terrible mess on the floor after
the party yesterday.
In your mind, start over, how was it ?
You met happy peoples ready to work hard and
look for the reward the big and nice party.
Room filled with flowers and all the aids to give lectures.
All talks about increase of taxes, and how to present it.
To the voters, strategies, campaigns, how the media
will react, etc... Heavy thoughts and work.
Finally ready for the most important !
Tonight`s big party, wonderful, beautiful women
and expectant boyfriends, what now...
How is this.
Where will it end ? Fantastic we hope...
And then wake up to the mediate day, for with
all the joy, there was little sleep last night.
It does nothing with respect to the achieved
last night !
Danced over the floor after the daily newspaper...
The party abruptly fades...
Headlines, many died, war or what?
Terrible, it cries out against this is real life.
Hard, naked, merciless life. Awful...
How can one be cheering happy when others
have it so bad ?
You get to the obituaries, and it clamps to the
heart. How can anyone know who is, has lost one
of his closest.
The next days, go through and struggle with this-
have a right to rejoice in a world full of misery ?
You are standing in your own circle of light,
in your own world, your friends and you see
the same in a larger ring, where sorrow and
pain shadows have gathered.
Earth`s children are like trees in the forest,
where they are at the mercy flooding and
drought, too much and too little.
Given the price ups and downs strength tests.
Grief comes and must be received. But when
there is joy how is your guest, be happy,
and receive it with pleasure.
Remember the people under heaven with
changing clouds cover; is mercy for each other.
Hvis jeg var en Bjørn, og både sterk og stor. Var det ikke farlig å bo veldig langt mot nord. Da tålte jeg godt både skatt og avgifter, hvis jeg hadde slik pels som denne bamsen har. Jens tok en tur sammen med Kristin og de andre, og kom ikke til enden av stien før det ble natt, da hadde de klart å øke skatter og avgifter.
.: Han tok det som en mann... Og skyldte på sin kone....
.: Han tok det som en mann... Og skyldte på sin kone....: Lykkelig ? Jo, det har visst hendt i stunder da jeg minst av alt tenkte på noe så frøkenfint som lykke. Hos kvinnen er alt hjertet, ti...
Han tok det som en mann... Og skyldte på sin kone... Det jeg elsker hos det motsatte kjønn, er at det er så motsatt...
Lykkelig ? Jo, det har visst hendt
i stunder da jeg minst av alt tenkte
på noe så frøkenfint som lykke.
Hos kvinnen er alt hjertet,
til og med hodet...
The knowledge that the personalities
of the two sexes are socially produced
is congenial to every programmed
that looks forwards towards a planned
order of society.
It is a two-edged sword.
onsdag 28. september 2011
.: Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy res...
.: Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy res...: Did you ever notice that when a politician does get an idea he usually gets it all wrong... Honesty is a good thing but, it is not...
Up an down the City Road, In and out the fancy restaurant, That`s the way the money goes - Pop goes the weasel !
Did you ever notice that when
a politician does get an idea
he usually gets it all wrong...
Honesty is a good thing but,
it is not profitable to its
Unless it is kept under
A cigarette that bears a lipstick`s traces,
An airline ticket to romantic places;
And still my heart has wings
These foolish things
Remind me of past time...
To all my readers
Please have a good...
.: Stille ! Fossesus ! Mossefossen i fantastisk brus....
.: Stille ! Fossesus ! Mossefossen i fantastisk brus....: I am not yet born; O fill me with strength against those who would freeze my humanity, would dragoon me into a lethal automation, would...
Stille ! Fossesus ! Mossefossen i fantastisk brus... Inn i ørets musling la en vise risle! Stille, stille det er alfenes sang i Mossefossen.
I am not yet born;
O fill me with strength against those
who would freeze my humanity, would
dragoon me into a lethal automation,
would make me a cog in a machine,
a thing with one face,
a thing,
and against all those who would
dissipate my entirety, would blow
me like thistledown or a waterfall
hither and thither or hither and thither
like water held in the hands would spill me.
Let them not make me a stone and let them
not spill me,
Otherwise kill me.
World is crazier and more of it than we think,
Perhaps not think at all !
Think on the people how fight for their freedom !
Incorrigibly plural. I peel and portion.
Not think at all !
A tangerine and spit the pips and feel
The drunkenness of things being various
Perhaps not think at all !
tirsdag 27. september 2011
.: The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, ado...
.: The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, ado...: Words are men`s daughters, but God`s sons are things !...
.: Hello, Hello ! Come! quick as you can!There`s a fi...
.: Hello, Hello ! Come! quick as you can!There`s a fi...: It`s a funny old world - a man`s lucky if he gets out of it alive... Castles in the air - they are so easy to take refuge in. And ea...
.: Ingenting får en mann til å forsøke å bevise at ha...
.: Ingenting får en mann til å forsøke å bevise at ha...: To you I appeal, O my soul ! When I was not yet born, poetry already existed. Poetry will remain when I`m no longer moving. It is in e...
Ingenting får en mann til å forsøke å bevise at han er like ungdommelig som noen gang.--- Ingen er bare ulykkelig når hans beste venn dummer seg ut...
To you I appeal, O my soul !
When I was not yet born,
poetry already existed.
Poetry will remain
when I`m no longer moving.
It is in everything;
in Nature,
in people,
and outside me,
like beams of light,
like radio waves,
in the atmosphere
and in outer space.
Poems exist unwritten,
not even felt by anyone,
just like the anti-world,
and still undetected
like biocurrents of the universe.
And the poet is like a receiver.
And if he is a genuine one
not knocked off his chump by fame or awards,
not an official, but human,
thinking and suffering,
he`ll let the waves of poetry pass
through his destiny,
through his soul.
All the world is poetry.
And I appeal to you,
please be a good receiver,
Multiranged like this century;
whenever one wavelength`s damped,
switch to another
to sense poetry -
the bio currents of human hearts.

mandag 26. september 2011
.: Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva e...
.: Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva e...: Vær tro i din vandring, det er kunn en stund du fortsetter ferden. Og så skal du løses fra trengslen her. Da skal du for evig være de...
Lyksalig er den ... som glemmer med forstand hva en ei endre kan...
Vær tro i din vandring,
det er kunn en stund du
fortsetter ferden.
Og så skal du løses fra
trengslen her.
Da skal du for evig være der.
Husk hvor kaldt i verden det er,
ofte bryter stormen løs
som kan volde smerte.
En dag skal tåken lette,
og solen bryte fram.
Mon tro for evig, mon tro ?
People changed in their hearts,
Changed all the greenery...
But those are my native parts,
My dream, so precious to me,
My home...
det er kunn en stund du
fortsetter ferden.
Og så skal du løses fra
trengslen her.
Da skal du for evig være der.
Husk hvor kaldt i verden det er,
ofte bryter stormen løs
som kan volde smerte.
En dag skal tåken lette,
og solen bryte fram.
Mon tro for evig, mon tro ?
People changed in their hearts,
Changed all the greenery...
But those are my native parts,
My dream, so precious to me,
My home...
.: En kommer ikke dypere enn til bunns... One comes n...
.: En kommer ikke dypere enn til bunns... One comes n...: On the coast of... Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods, And no fish this year, Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo, (cal...
søndag 25. september 2011
.: Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få fo...
.: Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få fo...: Som du ingen kjente galskapen uten bot Langt borte i sjelens øde... Jeg ser i alt ikke hva det er... Det som er innenfor er lett... D...
Av medgang kommer overmot - motgang er til å få forstand av...
Som du
ingen kjente
galskapen uten bot
Langt borte i sjelens øde...
Jeg ser i alt ikke hva det er...
Det som er innenfor er lett...
Det som er utenfor er det...
Troen er...
Er ikke...
Mon tro.
Who, or why, or which, or what,
Is the Akond of Swat?
There was and old fisherman with a bread,
Who said, it is just as I feared!-
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all build their nests in my bread!
.: What`s the use of worrying ? It never was worth w...
.: What`s the use of worrying ? It never was worth w...: In such cases we should not know what to say, This is when we say: "words fail us" and mean this literally. We should need new words. Th...
What`s the use of worrying ? It never was worth while, So, pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, And smile, smile, smile
In such cases we should not know what to say,
This is when we say: "words fail us" and mean this
We should need new words. The old ones just would
not fit. They aren`t meant to cover this kind of case.
Like the fight between Jews and Arabs.
The story of God and man`s bloody capital.
a metropolis of the people and for many regions.
Such as an attractive place as Jerusalem,
will never find peace !
Both Jews and Palestinians will claim this City,
as their capital, and there will be no peace,
because the hole world will clam this
Jerusalem as their City, independent of
religion and origin.
When the Palestinians this week has submitted
an application to the UN for membership.
So many different interests, this application
will conflict with, probably some government
vetoing the membership. Very regrettable,
or maybe not ?
One can discuss the histories of Palestine,
but it is really interesting?
So much war, poverty, murder and human
deprivation. Someone, I do not know who,
should try to take responsibility and get an
end to the hole situation.
It is a human disaster for people living in
the aria.
Politicians have tried and failed for many
years now, Maybe the world community
should ignore history and politicians...
Do not think the Arab "spring" will come
to neither Jerusalem or Israel/Palestine.
Let us for once, hope for some sensible
people in the world, who can come with
a good and sensible idea, for this suffering
lørdag 24. september 2011
.: Ditt hjerte banker i mitt øre... Ditt blod strømme...
.: Ditt hjerte banker i mitt øre... Ditt blod strømme...: A fantastic day, A fantastic place, A fantastic country, Fantastic people... Let me have another summer... To all my friends: Pleas...
fredag 23. september 2011
.: Jeg følger den hvite stjernes vei fra det siste sk...
.: Jeg følger den hvite stjernes vei fra det siste sk...: Is it so small a thing To have enjoyed the sun, To have lived light in the spring, To have loved, to have thought, to have done. The...
Jeg følger den hvite stjernes vei fra det siste skjær, av dag til den bleke morgen øde av sjøen gråner. I drøm om et land som aldri finnes, men altid blåner bort som en sky i nettenes drivende stjernevær,Alltid så fjern for øiet, alltid min drøm så nær.
Is it so small a thing
To have enjoyed the sun,
To have lived light in the spring,
To have loved, to have thought, to have done.
The sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full,
and round earth`s shore.
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath.
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.
Ah, love, let us be true
To another ! For the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams.
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a dark ling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
Fantastic place, fantastic people,
But life is not...
.: Den som er blitt beruset av makt, og har fordel av...
.: Den som er blitt beruset av makt, og har fordel av...: POWER TO THE :? What wee gave, wee have; What wee spent, wee had; What wee kept, wee lost; What is power ? Human egoism ? ...
Den som er blitt beruset av makt, og har fordel av den, - om så bere for en kort stund, kommer aldri til å oppgi den frivillig.
What wee gave, wee have;
What wee spent, wee had;
What wee kept, wee lost;
What is power ? Human egoism ?
We have fantasies ...
Would you like to sin
With Elinor, who ?
On a tigerskin?
Or would you prefer
To err
With her
On some other fur ?
My friends please have a nice day !
Perhaps on some furs ?
What wee gave, wee have;
What wee spent, wee had;
What wee kept, wee lost;
What is power ? Human egoism ?
We have fantasies ...
Would you like to sin
With Elinor, who ?
On a tigerskin?
Or would you prefer
To err
With her
On some other fur ?
My friends please have a nice day !
Perhaps on some furs ?
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