onsdag 14. oktober 2015

Are we lunatic, a clown--- so people say with tight mouth. Come, You! Let's not talk any more, since before birth we already said everything there is to say.

Do we need another Napoleon
in this world--- a battleground clown,
lost later on the snow;
a Picasso -a cosmic clown,
dancing on the altars
where miracles are performed;
and a Columbus -the rueful cloven
,humiliated, clueless,
who found us centuries since.

Only we won't be left alone.
We want to take pirouettes away,
our mortal jump...

Let the circus admire
our own dexterity, our sadness,
the pleasure to be found in playing
with light, so that truth may thunder
between shadows.
Turn on the lights.
Let's be on-stage,
the audience will witness 
two joyful politician's
ready to mourn humanity.

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