And I, so often vulgar,
so often obscene,
so often vile,
I, so deliberately parasitical,
Unforgivably filthy,
I, so often without patience to take
a bath,
I, who've been so ridiculous,
so absurd,
Tripping up in public on the carpet
of etiquette,
I, so grotesque and mean,
submissive and insolent,
Who've been insulted and not said a word,
And when putting a word in growing still
more ridiculous,
I who strike chambermaids as laughable,
I who feel porters wink sarcastically,
I who've been scandalous about money,
borrowing and not paying it back,
I, who when the time came to fight,
ducked as far as I could out of punching
I who go into a sweet over slightest thing---
I'm convinced no one's better than I at
this sort of game.
Enough --- I'm fed up with demigods!
Where are the real people in this world ?
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