tirsdag 14. januar 2014

Good morning ...

Bitter love,
a violet with its crown of the thorns
in a thicket of spiky passions,
spear of sorrow,
corolla of rage: how did you come
to conquer my soul ?...
What via dolorosa brought you ?

Why did you pour your tender fire
so quickly, over my life's cool  leaves ?
Who pointed the way to you ?
What flower,
what rock,
what smoke showed you where I live ?

Because the earth shook - it did -.
that awful night;
then dawn filled all the globes
with its wine;
the heavenly sun declared itself;

While inside,
a ferocious love wound around
and around -
and around me - till it pierced me
with its thorns,
its sword,
slashing a seared road through my heart.

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