lørdag 30. november 2013

Everything softly hums, the same. The wind stops blowing, the night advances, day begins and I exist, anonymous. But what happened was much more than this... Because I lost my best friend my dog.

The time I've spent dreaming---
Years and years of my life !
Ah, how much of my past
Was only the false life
Of a future I imagined !

Here on the bank of the river
I grow calm for no reasons.
Its empty flowing mirrors,
Cold and anonymous,
The life I've lived in vain.

How little hope ever attains !
What longing is worth the wait?
Any child's ball
Rises higher than my hope,
Rolls farther than my longing.

Waves of the river, so slight
That you aren't even waves,
The hours, days and years
Pass quickly - mere grass or snow
Which die by the same sun.

I spent all I didn't have.
I'm older than I am. 
Or younger, I don't know...
The illusion that kept me going
Was a queen only on stage:
Once undressed, her reign was over.

Soft sound of these slow waters
Acting for shores you've passed,
How drowsy are the memories
Of misty hopes !
What dreams all dreaming and
Life amount to !

What did I make of my life ?
Nothing or... ?
I found myself when already lost.
I let myself be
As I might let a lunatic go on
Believing what I'd proved was wrong.

Take me, passing waves,
To the oblivion of the sea !
Bequeath me to what I won't be---
I, who raised a scaffold
Around the house I never built...

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