onsdag 6. september 2017

Evigheten er tosidig, - består av alltid og aldri - Til hvilken side faller du?--- Ewigkeit ist doppelseitig, besteht aus immer und nie - zu welcher Seite fallen Sie?--- Eternity is double-sided, - consists of always and never-to what side do you fall? --- L'éternité est double face, - consiste toujours et jamais - de quel côté tombes-tu?

Nothing of nothing remains.
We're nothing.
In the sun and air we put off briefly
The unbreathable darkness of damp earth
   Whose weight we'll have to bear---
Postponed corpses that procreate.

Laws passed, statues seen, odes finished---
All have their grave.
If we, heaps of flesh
Made sanguine by an inner sun,
   Must set, then why not they?
We're tales telling tales,

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