mandag 31. oktober 2011
.: En mann ringte til skranken i SAS og spurte: Hvor ...
.: En mann ringte til skranken i SAS og spurte: Hvor ...: Han Halvan "Gjedda" overkjørt igjen! (Fort gjort sa den sympatiske fotgjengeren) "Gjedda" og kompisene på tur til Oslo. Det var han S...
En mann ringte til skranken i SAS og spurte: Hvor lang tid tar det å fly herfra til London? - Et øyeblikk, svarte damen i skaranken. - Mange takk sa mannen å la på...
Han Halvan "Gjedda" overkjørt igjen!
(Fort gjort sa den sympatiske fotgjengeren)
"Gjedda" og kompisene på tur til Oslo.
Det var han Sigurd "Hanan", "Pottøl - Simen" og
han Hjalmar "Brasmebågan"
Hadde tatt seg en Oslo tur. Uvant som døm var
med rundkjøringer og dunder under vesten gikk
der rundt for "Gjedda" i rundkjøringa ved
Østbanen og han traff en Plymuth, bilen fikk bulk
men "Gjedda" klarte seg bra.
Endelig var døm hjemme igjen,
og traff han "Ørelausen" som forbarma
døm med en skikkelig dunder.
Godt å ha under vesten før døm kom hjem,
"Pottøl -Simen" var redd for hu "Kjøniksa"
i "Arken" Så det var godt å han noe for
nærvene !
(Fort gjort sa den sympatiske fotgjengeren)
"Gjedda" og kompisene på tur til Oslo.
Det var han Sigurd "Hanan", "Pottøl - Simen" og
han Hjalmar "Brasmebågan"
Hadde tatt seg en Oslo tur. Uvant som døm var
med rundkjøringer og dunder under vesten gikk
der rundt for "Gjedda" i rundkjøringa ved
Østbanen og han traff en Plymuth, bilen fikk bulk
men "Gjedda" klarte seg bra.
Endelig var døm hjemme igjen,
og traff han "Ørelausen" som forbarma
døm med en skikkelig dunder.
Godt å ha under vesten før døm kom hjem,
"Pottøl -Simen" var redd for hu "Kjøniksa"
i "Arken" Så det var godt å han noe for
nærvene !
.: A man may build himself a throne of bayonets, but ...
.: A man may build himself a throne of bayonets, but ...: Teach us, O Lord, To serve Thee as Thou deserve st: To give and not to count the cost; To fight and not to head the wounds; To toil and...
.: The end cannot justify the means, for the simple a...
.: The end cannot justify the means, for the simple a...: Several excuses are always less convincing than one... I am too much of a skeptic to deny the possibility of anything...
søndag 30. oktober 2011
.: We`ve got to have - We plot to have - For it`s so ...
.: We`ve got to have - We plot to have - For it`s so ...: Nun danket alle Gott: Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things heat done, In whom his world rejo...
We`ve got to have - We plot to have - For it`s so dreary not to have - That certain thing called the ...?
Nun danket alle Gott:
Now thank we all our God,
With heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things heat done,
In whom his world rejoices;
Who from our mother`s arms
Hath blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love,
And still is ours to-day.
O may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peach to cheer us;
And keep us in his grace,
And guide us when perplexed,
And free us from all ills
In this world and the next.
.: Å dyrke vennskap, er en viktig egenskap, i denne v...
.: Å dyrke vennskap, er en viktig egenskap, i denne v...: Hvor er vi menesker, som omfavner venners planer En ny dimensjon Deilig vennskap I alle samfunn Uten diskriminering. Et vennskap ka...
Å dyrke vennskap, er en viktig egenskap, i denne verden uten riktige venner er en verden uten mening. Som en veiløs bygd. Vennskap er harmoni og menskeheten vil bli en oase av håp.
Hvor er vi menesker,
som omfavner venners planer
En ny dimensjon
Deilig vennskap
I alle samfunn
Uten diskriminering.
Et vennskap kan,
Inspirere verden til fred,
Vi krever det
Ikke for å la krigen skape
Hat og sorg som er på denne jorden
La en ny verden begynne.
For den turbulente verden
Vær mindre voldelig
Med mer solidaritet
I den mest perfekte forstand
Se hele verden samlet i
Vennskap ! ...
lørdag 29. oktober 2011
.: Was ist dein Ziel in der Philosophie ? - Der Flieg...
.: Was ist dein Ziel in der Philosophie ? - Der Flieg...: What is your aim in Philosophy ? To show the fly the way out of the fly - bottle. It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The r...
fredag 28. oktober 2011
.: On Man, on Nature, and one Human Life...
.: On Man, on Nature, and one Human Life...: All the coast`s in the foam of tumbling tide, and rustling pines at the waterside rise, At twilight the sea is longer blue, But multihue...
On Man, on Nature, and one Human Life...
All the coast`s in the foam of tumbling tide,
and rustling pines at the waterside rise,
At twilight the sea is longer blue,
But multihued, like the sunset skies.
All colors imaginable in the world,
All the tints of the earth and sky
On billows raised by the sturdy gale,
Flamboyant, like rainbows lie.
Everything tosses and sways and swells,
To the bottom dives gamboling flame.
The heavens change and the waters as well,
In colour becoming the same.
Impossible everything seemed till now,
And here - no end, no limit, no bound !
"Why am I no poet" ? the painter said.
"Oh, to master the brush!"
sighed the poet aloud.
But the sea - just for spite - raised a din and noise
In all its might and its grace,
And made one think of the ocean wide,
Of the Universe, stretched through space.
And only fishermen watched with frowns
the top of each billow towering grand.
They would set off again to catch fish at dawn,
Not just to admire its beauty from land,
But once more to face it alone.
.: Det er ikke alle timer en skal telle...
.: Det er ikke alle timer en skal telle...: Han "Ola Sønnavind" var litt av en luring ! Han kunne fortelle den rareste historie, jo flere smådrammer som havna innafor vesten desto f...
Det er ikke alle timer en skal telle...
Han "Ola Sønnavind" var litt av en luring !
Han kunne fortelle den rareste historie, jo flere smådrammer
som havna innafor vesten desto frodigere ble historiene.
På torvet sto flere folk og venta på historier.
Så fortalte han at Kjøpmann Myre i Kongata solgte
Dunder billig til faste kunder. "Fløytan" som var fast kunde
løp opp for å kjøpe. Nafta til å blade med hadden fra tidligere.
Han "Ole Sønnavind forta seg hjem til leiligheten i Berja,
for han var ikke sikker på hva "Fløytan" ville gjøre når
han fant ut at han var blitt lurt !
Ellers var mange ute etter å ta`n; Både "Fettoppen " og
han Einar "Flua". For han hadde lurt dem for en dramm.
Åge "Fuglekremmer`n" i fint driv...
Etter å ha vaska seg.
.: When I was young, I had not given a penny for a so...
.: When I was young, I had not given a penny for a so...: I made my song a coat Covered with embroideries Out of old mythologies From heal to throat; But the fools caught it, Wore it in the wor...
When I was young, I had not given a penny for a song...
I made my song a coat
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heal to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the world`s eye
As though they`d wrought it.
Song, let them take it
For there`s more enterprise
In walking naked...
Young people to day ?
No, this is an exception or ?
A pity beyond this life ?
My be hidden in the heart of love ?
What shall I do with this absurdity ?
O heart, O trouble heart,
This caricature,
Decrepit age what shall we do ?
As to a dog tail ?
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heal to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the world`s eye
As though they`d wrought it.
Song, let them take it
For there`s more enterprise
In walking naked...
Young people to day ?
No, this is an exception or ?
A pity beyond this life ?
My be hidden in the heart of love ?
What shall I do with this absurdity ?
O heart, O trouble heart,
This caricature,
Decrepit age what shall we do ?
As to a dog tail ?
torsdag 27. oktober 2011
.: I slottsparken; Under en spasertur i Slottsparken ...
.: I slottsparken; Under en spasertur i Slottsparken ...: Ho "Hawai Kitty" på tur til "Tigerstaden" Sammen med ho "Hansine i Porten" Begge Hadde vært i "Rosekjelleren" og der traff de han "Alf H...
I slottsparken; Under en spasertur i Slottsparken forleden dag så den synske "Hawai-Kitty" ved 13,30 tiden noe som fløy mellom trærene. En av parkvesnes gartnere som ble forelagt saken, holdt det ikke for usansynelig at det kunne være en invandrer...
Ho "Hawai Kitty" på tur til "Tigerstaden"
Sammen med ho "Hansine i Porten" Begge
Hadde vært i "Rosekjelleren" og der traff
de han "Alf Harajeger`n og han
"Harald med beina" begge hadde fått for
mye i beina... Festen gikk og døm skulle
med toget og hvor var Østbanen ?
Livet er ikke enkelt sa han "Jørgen Silda" til
han "Rolf Kringlevrier`n" Da han hørte om
detta. La oss heller ta en dunder...
.: The end justifies the means. Or: Cum finis est lic...
.: The end justifies the means. Or: Cum finis est lic...: It has come, I know not how, to be taken for granted, by many persons, that our living and overflow of welt is not so much as a subject ...
The end justifies the means. Or: Cum finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita.
It has come, I know not how,
to be taken for granted,
by many persons, that our living
and overflow of welt is not so
much as a subject of inquiry;
But, that it is, now at length,
after more power, more wealth,
more egoism e, more gold for our
And we forget the people in the world
how have nothing, and will live their
hole life in poorness.
Is it right ?...
to be taken for granted,
by many persons, that our living
and overflow of welt is not so
much as a subject of inquiry;
But, that it is, now at length,
after more power, more wealth,
more egoism e, more gold for our
And we forget the people in the world
how have nothing, and will live their
hole life in poorness.
Is it right ?...
.: The time was out of joint, and he was only too del...
.: The time was out of joint, and he was only too del...: Ignorance is the first requisite of the historian - ignorance, which simplifies and clarifies, which select and omits, with a placid...
onsdag 26. oktober 2011
.: But I`m not so think as you drunk I am...
.: But I`m not so think as you drunk I am...: If you want truth to go round the world you must hire an express flight to bring it; But if you want a lie to go round the world, it wil...
But I`m not so think as you drunk I am...
If you want truth to go round the world
you must hire an express flight to bring it;
But if you want a lie to go round the world,
it will fly by itself; it is as light as a feather,
and a breath will carry it.
It is well said in the old proverb, `a lie will
go round the world while truth is pulling
its boots on`...
.: Det skal mer til lærdom enn bare lesning !...
.: Det skal mer til lærdom enn bare lesning !...: Han er rar den som ikke er riktig... Der det er liv, er det alltid noe som gror, og noe som visner. Å være verdens salt er fryktelig...
.: Transient lustre, beauteous clay, Smiling wonder ...
.: Transient lustre, beauteous clay, Smiling wonder ...: Thou tyrant whom I will not name, Whom heaven and hell alike disclaim; Abhorred and shunned, for different ends, By angel, Kristy, beast...
Transient lustre, beauteous clay, Smiling wonder of a day... With problems in world economics situation...
Thou tyrant whom I will not name,
Whom heaven and hell alike disclaim;
Abhorred and shunned, for different ends,
By angel, Kristy, beast and fiends !
What terms to curse thee shall I find,
Thou plague peculiar to mankind ?...
That wretch, if such a wretch there be,
Who hopes for happiness from thee,
May search successfully as well
For truth in whores and ease in hell.
The picture above shows the Europe
and the World economy is in free fall,
if it goes to heaven or hell, no one can
say today.
The only thing we can say with certainty,
is that our politicians and economists have
difficulty understanding and help the world
out of this situation.
Those are the biggest problems for people
that will be even poorer, and young people
without work.
We can come to heading chaos or anarchy ?...
Hope not... Let us be and think positive.
tirsdag 25. oktober 2011
.: A nice day and week to all my friends... Freedom...
.: A nice day and week to all my friends... Freedom...: Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it to everyone, whether they ...
mandag 24. oktober 2011
.: Det faller litt lys på min vei ikveld, jeg fatter ...
.: Det faller litt lys på min vei ikveld, jeg fatter ...: Hvis det er sant, at alle ting er skapt av Gud, da er det håp for oss, min venn. Selv om lykkens paradis gikk tapt kan Gud jo skape oss...
Det faller litt lys på min vei ikveld, jeg fatter hva allmakt og avmakt er: Allmakt er livet og lyset, avmakt, ja hva er det ?
Hvis det er sant,
at alle ting er skapt av Gud,
da er det håp for oss, min venn.
Selv om lykkens paradis gikk tapt
kan Gud jo skape oss et nytt igjen.
Hvis det er sant, at livet er en drøm
da er der evig liv for oss, min venn.
Selv om vi rives bort av dødens strøm,
kan Gud jo bare drømme oss igjen...
.: I loved a lass, a fair one, As fair as e`er was se...
.: I loved a lass, a fair one, As fair as e`er was se...: I didn`t go to the moon, I went much further - for time is the longest distance between two places... Father, hear the prayer we off...
I loved a lass, a fair one, As fair as e`er was seen; she was indeed a rare one, But, fine as another Sheba queen..
I didn`t go to the moon,
I went much further - for
time is the longest distance
between two places...
Father, hear the prayer we offer;
Not for the ease that prayer shall be,
But for strength that we may ever
Live our lives courageously.
Not for ever in green pastures
Do we ask our way to be.
But the steep and rugged pathway
May we tread rejoicingly.
.: Most of the time we think we`re sick, it`s all in ...
.: Most of the time we think we`re sick, it`s all in ...: The world is sick ! You cannot hope to bribe or twist, thank God ! the journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbridled, the...
Most of the time we think we`re sick, it`s all in the mind...
The world is sick !
You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God !
the journalist.
But, seeing what
the man will do
unbridled, there`s
no occasion to...
Not a drum was heard,
not a funeral note,
As his corse to the rampart we hurried.
We carved not a line,
and we raised not a stone -
But we left him alone with his glory...
You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God !
the journalist.
But, seeing what
the man will do
unbridled, there`s
no occasion to...
Not a drum was heard,
not a funeral note,
As his corse to the rampart we hurried.
We carved not a line,
and we raised not a stone -
But we left him alone with his glory...
søndag 23. oktober 2011
.: Moss som det engang var og kanskje er !...
.: Moss som det engang var og kanskje er !...: I tredve-åra var det ingen hemmelighet at atskillige flasker med smuglersprit skifta eire under sjauernes jobbing på brygga. En kveld op...
Moss som det engang var og kanskje er !...
I tredve-åra var det ingen hemmelighet at
atskillige flasker med smuglersprit skifta
eire under sjauernes jobbing på brygga.
En kveld oppunder jul da bryggearbeiderene
var og jobba ombord i en Fred Olsen båt på
Mølla. Fant han Tor "Planken" og han Oskar
"Grosot" Møllarbeider fra Krapfoss ei flaske
Vermout i lasterommet på båten.
Det ryktes fort og båten hadde aldr blitt lossa
så raskt noen gang ! Hva fangsten ble er ukjent.
.: Qui n`a pas vecu dans les annees voisines de 1950/...
.: Qui n`a pas vecu dans les annees voisines de 1950/...: He who has not lived during the years around 1950/60 can not know what is meant by the pleasure of life... We how has been and had our B...
.: Through all the changing scenes of life, in troubl...
.: Through all the changing scenes of life, in troubl...: Some words about the cries in our economic world to day and in the past. Mostly is created by lack of knowledge of our politicians and ...
Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ...
Some words about the cries in our economic
world to day and in the past. Mostly is created
by lack of knowledge of our politicians and
.
Both the existing economic order, and too many of
the projects advanced for reconstruction it, break down
through their neglect of the truism that, since even quit
common men have souls, no increase in material wealth
will compensate them for arrangements which insult
their self-respect and impair their freedom. A reasonable
estimate of economic organisation must allow for the fact
that, unless industry is to be paralyzed by recurrent revolts
on the part outraged human nature, it must satisfy criteria
which are not purely economic. Like peoples basal needs.
Private property is a necessary institution,
at least in a fallen world; men work more
and dispute less when goods are private
than when they are common. But it is to be
tolerated as a concession to human frailty,
not applauded as desirable in itself.
The biggest problem we in the so called
"modern" world will have is the overflow
of poor people. How has nothing, but, want
a dissent life and work. this again will create
big problems, because our economic is not
robust enough to serve all this people.
Only think what will happens with our pension
in the future...
We have to help this people... If not we will have
great problems in the future.
world to day and in the past. Mostly is created
by lack of knowledge of our politicians and
Both the existing economic order, and too many of
the projects advanced for reconstruction it, break down
through their neglect of the truism that, since even quit
common men have souls, no increase in material wealth
will compensate them for arrangements which insult
their self-respect and impair their freedom. A reasonable
estimate of economic organisation must allow for the fact
that, unless industry is to be paralyzed by recurrent revolts
on the part outraged human nature, it must satisfy criteria
which are not purely economic. Like peoples basal needs.
Private property is a necessary institution,
at least in a fallen world; men work more
and dispute less when goods are private
than when they are common. But it is to be
tolerated as a concession to human frailty,
not applauded as desirable in itself.
The biggest problem we in the so called
"modern" world will have is the overflow
of poor people. How has nothing, but, want
a dissent life and work. this again will create
big problems, because our economic is not
robust enough to serve all this people.
Only think what will happens with our pension
in the future...
We have to help this people... If not we will have
great problems in the future.
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