fredag 24. juni 2011

Alle er greie, i virkligheten? - Everyone is nice, in fact? Or?

I am a man of the winds
And says the winds passing
About my regrets in this world
As the times flies...
I tell the winds about:
And the misery that we people live in !
The time flies...
Peoples problems
Created by politicians ?
As practiced in this world
Of evil and brutality
The wind continued to tell me nothing and everything...

I`m talking about hunger and war,
Created by our eminent politician's...
 Misery who wonder...
The crimes that take place on our planet
That is created by man
The winds answer me not... or...
I want an easier life...
Without the interference of short-thinking politicians
Pleads for help
And suffer in silence
But the winds ignores everything...
Belive our politicians.

I ask the wind for help
For the sake of peoples 
And crying for justice
Peoples freedom...
If the wind does not hear me
The damn wind or politicians
Does it help?

 My friends please have a nice day !

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