søndag 29. mai 2011

On the road again! Or only fantasy...

With a heart of furious fantasies,
Whereof I am commander;
With a burning spear,
And a horse of air,
To the wilderness I wander.

Western wind, when will thou blow,
The horse on the road again...

Happy are they, who know but one love,
Like those who believe in one god above;
The fire in my soul never fades away,
In nothing they do, do they go half way?

Falling in love once and for all in our age,
Means choosing one`s road and setting one`s goal,
Setting down certain and stable,
To do one`s lifework as best one`s able.
In our age we have hope!
Why not play?

What wee gave, wee have;
What wee spent, we had;
What wee kept, wee lost.

Please my friends have a nice day!

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